الجمعة، 31 أكتوبر 2014

عبارات للاعتذار وطريقة الرد عليها ..!

5 Phrases for Apologizing : 

1. I’m sorry that... [ex. I was so rude yesterday]

2. It’s my fault.
(= I am taking responsibility for the problem)

3. Oops, sorry.
(for very small problems)

4. I should have... [ex. called you and told you I’d be late]

5. (formal) I apologize for... [ex. the delay]

                          ↑ ू❁      

5 Ways to Respond to an Apology :

1. That’s OK.

2. It happens.

3. No problem.

4. Don’t worry about it.

5. I forgive you.
(for serious problems)

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